
Saturday, 26 July 2014

Let me paint you a picture. You’re walking along, taking confident strides because you’re on a mission, in fact if you were any more assured of your footing it’d appear to the outside world you were strutting to some imaginary upbeat soundtrack. You’ve totes got your stuff all worked out. And then, out of the blue, treacherously even, you stub your toe on an uneven section of pavement, scuff inelegantly along concrete, arms leaping into action; their instinctive but involuntarily clumsy flailing providing little stability but a lot of attention-drawing-focus as you attempt the most flustered I-absolutely-meant-to-do-that stumble ever. 

 This kind of thing happens to me all the time. Seriously. I don’t know if I just judge myself harshly or possess some predisposition to quick-as-a-flash-self-criticism but it’s crazy how often I feel just awkward. Feeling like I don’t fit into my body properly (aforementioned elite pavement-plodding). Waving at someone who it turns out I’ve never actually met and wasn’t in fact waving at me in the first place (this happened twice within the last fortnight, not even kidding folks!). Flashing the cute guy at Kmart my friendliest-yes-I-have-lady-parts smile before getting back in the car and realizing with horror that I had food in my teeth. The list goes on. Oh, and not to mention the worst; my many conversational giraffes (their like gaffes but so much taller). Ever been in the midst of social interaction and said or did something so awkward you just wanted to chew your own jaw off? I do! Almost on a daily basis! Sometimes I have to clench my fists and take deep breaths to prevent my eyes from rolling while I’m still stuck talking to the unfortunate recipient of my face-palm moment lest they think they’re the cause.

It’s almost like these painfully cringe-worthy moments happen so that the universe can provide us with a reality check, you know? Like, yes Lyn, your boots make grown-up-I’ve-got-an-important-job-to-do-noises as you walk across the courtyard but let’s not forget that this morning you almost poured water into your porridge rather than milk. Or, okay, you want to spread some Happy Chappy cheer and smile a greeting at random people? Fine, just be sure you’re willing to accept the don’t-stare-and-smile-at-me-crazy-person-stranger look in return. Trying too hard to be funny or intelligent or likeable in conversation Lyn? Ha! Never fear! A wickedly treacherous sentence or two will leap from your lips to ensure you look like a complete idiot. Ahhh. Cue ensuing awkward grunts, winces and warbling noises[i]. I’m off to stab my kneecap with a fork in recollection of my awkwardisms (past, present and future!)

[i] For a compilation of these exact sounds, please check out this 6.15 of the linked video – Everything Wrong With Twilight in 6 Minutes or Less. A few of my friends and I refer to making “Kristen Stewart awkward noises” and this is totally what we’re talking about. Enjoy.  

Go, You Fab-o Folks!

Friday, 18 July 2014

Those of you that see my posts on Facebook or Instagram know that I religiously (kinda, sometimes, try my best to stick to it!) follow the #photoaday phenomenon. For those of you who don’t know what that is, essentially it’s a daily photo prompt created and distributed by super-fab-blogger (among other things) FatMumSlim. Each day of the month has a different prompt, something new to interpret, take a photo of and share. Today’s prompt is: “Admire”. It’s pretty vague (in a good way) but it certainly got me thinking.

Who do I admire? Well, the answer is: everyone. Folks I know personally, folks I don’t. Those I have bucket-loads of love for and even those I’m not a super-huge fan of. I admire lots of us as a collective group of struggling, potentially fabulous, talented and inspiring human beings. Some of you are just remarkable at being you, at doing this life thing, at giving so much back. I’m very fortunate to find myself surrounded by wonderfully courageous and incredible family and friends.

The fact is that everybody has highs and lows, positives and negatives, good fortune and crapola life shit. Everybody has to be brave, resilient and always evolving. We’re all parents, children, siblings, relatives, co-workers, lovers, friends, neighbours, grandparents…we’re all something special to someone. No matter how hard life gets (and for some people it is horrifically, devastatingly, uncomprehendingly so) we are all (for the most part) trying to be the best version of ourselves and contribute positively to the world around us. That’s pretty damn admirable if you ask me. 

One Giant Leap for Lyn-kind.

Saturday, 12 July 2014

It’s been a year. A year ago today. July 12, 2013 was quite the shift for me. Figuratively and literally. I left home for the first time. Packed all my crap in my car, bought a whole bunch of fab new furniture and other stuff and flew the nest. Might be more accurate to say I tumbled out, arms flailing (didn’t set anything on fire or live off toast for six months after, just missed my folks something chronic) but I still departed.

I know, I know… Took me ages. It probs seems very pathetic to a lot of folks but there were reasons I hadn’t left yet. Some societal. Some financial. My twin brother moved four years earlier, and I know lots of people who had been out of home much sooner. Kudos to you! 

I feel like this myth is perpetuated through our youth that you’ll finish school, snag your life partner and move out with them. Get hitched, travel the world, have kidlets and put your hand up for a mortgage. All of that. Truth is, I was totes waiting for that and it didn’t come. I was yay for moving out before I did but had no one to move with and everyone loved telling me how impossible it would be for me to get rental approval with no previous history and all on my lonesome. So I waited. School was expensive so I stayed at home. Bought a car that got smashed up by bogans in a ute (thankfully I was safe!) so then had to kinda start again. Bought some instruments (what’s the muso-equipment version of a “fur-baby”?) too. Paid off HECS. Whatevs. If I’m honest, I also just like hanging with my parents. They’re pretty awesomesauce. As happy fortune would have it, my wanting-to-move-timing suited the new fiancés in my life and as one had already shared a womb with me, things fell into place rather fab-o for all three of us.

I’m glad I did it but it hasn’t been a spectacular year. Life crap. Some real shit stuff. Family heartaches that made being away from my folks rough. But, nevertheless, a year it has been. A big one. Always felt embarrassed for staying at home as long as I did (though I say yay to those who were out sooner and those who aren’t out yet equally) but everyone has a different path, I guess. I know there was great risk of me just staying there forever, trapped in my little cage of fear. Not sure what lies ahead but at least if I end up being a crazy-cat-lady-nanna-hermit I’ll be doing it in my own space. And I kind of love that idea.