A Very Westgaterie Decade.

Sunday, 14 September 2014

It was only a matter of time before I wrote a blog post regarding this rather important aspect of my life. Similarly to my obsessive inclination towards Star Wars, people who know me are subject to outbursts of a Westgate nature. For those who don’t know, I play clarinet with the Westgate Concert Band; a community outfit comprising of roughly 40 members who come together on a Saturday morning in Braybrook to rehearse music. We have regular concerts and play-outs as well as social events.

I joined the band in February of 2004. My VCE Music studies necessitated I play with an ensemble and as my High School had none to offer my teacher suggested I go along. It is so strange to think how terrified I was, how my initial plan was to stay as long as I needed to satisfy my VCE requirements and then be on my way whereas now I cannot picture my life without Westgate in it. Last night I received my Ten Year Badge (as well as another honour for my services to the group, one that quite overwhelmed me) and stumbled through a rambling, emotional speech in response. Westgate as an entity, is difficult to articulate but I’m damn sure going to give it a try.

I’m very fortunate to come from a large, loving family (my Mum is one of eight, my Dad one of seven) but I unknowingly stumbled into another fab-fam of sorts when I anxiously attended my first rehearsal so many Saturdays ago. Families aren’t perfect but even so, you can’t help but love them; the same is true of this fantastic group of people. Obviously, musically, Westgate has given me so much (and continues to) but it's more than that. Within the band, I have been guided, supported, mentored, protected and inspired by a special, generous few, whose formative impact on my life has been invaluable. Westgate is the safest, most accepting environment I have ever come across. Honestly, I struggle to recall who I was before Westgate. They took a cowardly, sixteen-year-old shell of a human and gave her the freedom and courage to be herself. Weekly love, support, generosity and validation from a group of people who aren’t obligated in any way to do so is just simply impossible to repay.

I have no idea what is coming in the years ahead for me (well, except for some brand new Star Wars movies, woo-freaking-hoo!) but I know that Westgate will be there and I am forever grateful. I doubt I will ever be finished recompensing the debt I owe this band. 

Dear Daddy-o.

Sunday, 7 September 2014

I love my Dad. He’s easily the funniest, fiercest, most determined and supportive father that has ever lived. Argue with me on that point if you will but I won’t be persuaded otherwise. There is often a clichéd relationship portrayed regarding Daddy’s and their little girls but what I have with my father is invaluable and unique. The gentle hands that cradled my tiny frame as a child are the same that loudly applauds at performances and expertly makes rice soup while we watch our favourite films and shows. He protects, guides and defends as patriarch, entertains like no other person alive and loves unconditionally.

My Dad is one of seven. Stories abound in the family of his exuberance and comedic timing in youth, traits he has carried (and streamlined) into adulthood. Gone are the days where he might rifle through cereal boxes desperate for the hidden tiny toy or invite the family cat into the freezer in his attempts to satisfy childhood curiosity. Instead, his enviable wit and delightful sense of humour energise conversation and lighten moods. He can be gruff and assertive but never cruel and endlessly diplomatic. It is through his example (together with my Mumsie, whose virtues I have previously extolled) that inspires me to bring the happy as often as I can. 

I have been equally as blessed with my grandfathers; both strong, brave and yet tender-hearted men. They, in turn, produced another generation of formidable males that, although not fathers of mine, shield me with fatherly protection – my Godfather, Uncles and cousins. There are some people I know (and care deeply about) who are facing the unimaginable; the first Father’s Day without such a presence in their lives. It is so difficult for me to adequately express in words what having my Dad means to me, so on this day – always, in fact, but today in particular – my love is with you. I would not be the person I am, the woman I am without mine.

Daddy-o is my hero. Pure and simple. One of my greatest joys is making him chuckle and being sent into hysterics in return. My default setting is to laugh and that has been gently nurtured by the biggest joker I will ever know. He is capable of levity, authority, sincerity, wisdom, compassion, generosity and gravitas. I have been truly blessed with the best male role model I could ever have asked for. Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou to the most amazing man I know. I love you. xxx