I find the quote above striking. And super
truthful. Don’t get me wrong, I kinda love getting stuff. My childhood memories
of the buzz surrounding present-opening on Christmas morning are dazzling. The
fab-o fun of being love-bombarded with calls, texts and countless fb
notifications on my birthday (plus cute Star Wars related giftage!) infects the
day with incredible positive energy. I also reeeeeally love payday. Like, a lot.
Having said that though, I honestly (and not in a saccharine
adore the act of giving. I love spending money on people I care about. I love
surprising loved ones with just-because giftage. The high I get from recalling
a random detail and translating that into a thoughtful box of awesomesauce is
really intoxicating. And maybe a bit lame too, but whatevs, I’m a weird
crazy-cat-lady-nanna-hermit in training. Being generous with awkwardly-intense-hugs,
old-man-impressions, work-load-alleviation, arm-flailing-hilarity (anywhere
between goofball and cerebral comedy), chauffer-services, Lyn-love, random-film-and-TV-references,
giggles and guffaws and my superpowers of empathy, compassion and compromise
feels as natural to me as breathing. It really is wonderfully affirming,
rejuvenating and fabulous for the day-to-day (and the big stuff).
Had a few instances lately
(and many fantastic examples throughout my life, if you’ve read these before
you know how much I’m a fam-fan and adore my folks) where I have been on the
receiving end of some pretty steep selflessness, generosity and grace. I can
tell you right now that all of these, from the smallest text message to the
grandest public offering of assistance, are so positively impactful I’m at a
loss for words. Hence, why I have to make them up all the time… Never
underestimate the gift of generosity, what might be the smallest action for you
could have the biggest and best ramifications for people in your life.