Hi-ho from HappyChappyThankyou!

Friday, 18 April 2014

So here it is. My first blog post. It is such a strange thing to try and instill an unwaveringly candid but not-too-excruciatingly-long tidbit about yourself; to take the first step with some courage but not have a sudden freak out about what you’ve managed to divulge on day one and cowardly crawl back into your hermit hole.  

Primarily my intent in initiating this blog is to draw not-so-subtle attention to my Etsy shop, hence the title… but if I’m honest with myself the idea of a blog has appealed to me long before I figured I’d try my hand at custom invites and mugs. I like to talk. I like to listen. I like to discover, learn, be inspired (by people, popular culture, whatever really), be moved by something. I laugh a lot. Like, seriously, a lot. Sometimes I laugh because I find things funny (fairly obvious, right?), or because I’m drawing so much positive energy from the interaction a smile just won’t cut it. Other times I laugh because it feels like a protective layer; I can hide my awkwardness behind a hearty chortle, confusion or fear behind a breathy guffaw and those, coupled with a crazy gaze make me feel that little bit safer.

I like helping people, giving back, returning the generosity and love shown to me. Sounds clichéd but it’s the truth. Some days I find it harder to do, especially when people don’t treat you in kind…but regardless it is a big part of who I am. A helper. A do-gooder. A happy chappy.

Does that mean I’m always eerily chipper? Of course not. Everyone has their bad days. Sometimes those bad days turn into bad weeks, bad months or bad years. Sometimes you’re traversing a rough patch so crapola you’re not even sure there is an end to it and blind optimism and hope can be frustratingly futile when you’re chest-deep in what if’s and self-doubt. The only constant I’ve noticed is time. There are times where you’re incandescently happy, where your future is full of promise and you’re unlimited[1] and then there are those times where all you can see on the road ahead is bleak, uncompromising nothingness. There are times you love yourself, times you don’t. There are times you revel in company and those where you’d rather no one bothered you. We try to stretch out the perfect evenings, the triumphant successes, those occasions to remember… and when facing the devastating desolation of loss or heartbreak, we are assured that in time, we will heal and be renewed.

We are different people all of the time. We all have many varied hats. The concept of Happy Chappy Thankyou is, for me, not that we’re seemingly perpetually dancing on rainbows… but rather that we’re all fighting our own battles, all struggling for validation, love and fulfillment and sometimes just sharing some yayness vibes can make all the difference in the world. Always try to look for something to be thankful for… and if you can’t at any one time, if the world seems too dark, then trust that time, in its way, will offer you a chance to discover new reasons for gratitude.

[1] Yes that was an indirect reference to the musical WICKED. I’m a music theatre tragic. Deal with it.

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