Mumsie, Dearest.

Sunday 11 May 2014

I love my Mum. I know everyone says that but it’s the truth. I love her. She’s easily the bravest, cleverest, most compassionate and supportive mother that has ever lived. Argue with me on that point if you will but I won’t be persuaded otherwise. I realise it is probably a universally acknowledged necessity that a mother should love her children unconditionally and believe wholeheartedly in their ability to do anything, to promote their growth and prepare them for the big bad scary world. I’m sure lots of mothers do this stuff fantastically well and I know there will be a fair few people reading this and nodding, thinking of their own wondrous life example.  

My Mum is the youngest in her family. She had a difficult time growing up despite living in a loving household. For those of you who have the pleasure of knowing her, you will understand perhaps a little of what I mean in that regard but, suffice to say, she faced several health issues and complications. These certainly do not define her but they irrevocably impacted the way she could live her life and the way she was perceived by the world around her. All of this could have reduced her kind heart to one capable of only bitterness and despair but not Wendy. Not my mother. Through all of this she has remained strong and true. I have never known a more selfless and empathetic spirit. It is through her shining example (together with my Daddy-o) that inspires me to bring the happy as often as I can.

I have been equally as blessed with my grandmothers; both resilient, beautiful, delightful women. They, in turn, produced another generation of remarkable females that, although not mothers of mine, shower me with motherly warmth – my God-Mumsie, Aunts and cousins. For my Mum, it is her first Mothers Day since our loss… and although the pain is still as harsh as if it were only days rather than months since Nan’s departure, I know that a loving legacy resides safe within us who do our best to carry on without her.

Mumsie is my best friend. Pure and simple. She knows me more than anyone else on this planet and always stands with me, despite my many flaws or those times where I’m not worthy of such uncompromising affection. She guides without interference, advises without judgment, loves without reservation. If I grow up (yes, still growing over here thank you!) to be even half the woman she is then I will be formidable indeed. Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou to the most fabulous lady I know. I love you. xx

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